Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dearest Blogger

I've been away from this game for some time now, and you've got all sorts of new things for me to play with.

So play I did.

I thought those long hours spent at the computer, the sore back, the grainy eyes, were well worth it when I saw the results - a list of my favourite blogs all lined up for me, and sorted by when they were last updated, no less! 

I was impressed.   So impressed, in fact, that I deleted my old Blogrolling lists.  "I won't have a need for these pesky things anymore", I thought, my dear Blogger.  But I was sadly mistaken.

In trying to create a beautiful, serene, hopeful, mystifying place for my visitors and myself to dwell in, you asked me a simple question...  'do you want to keep your widgets?' 

'Why yes!' I thought, 'How delightful of you to ask'.  And like a fool, I clicked that button, foregoing all the precautions that a clever girl like me usually takes. 

"Backup, backup, backup" - has been my motto for many a year.  "Do a test run first", has crossed my lips many a time.

But no... when faced with that fateful question... I clicked yes.  And ASSUMED, dear Blogger, that you would also keep the CONTENTS of those widgets...


Now, if you'll excuse me, i'll be off to try and remember the names of fifty or so blogs that I have visited these last couple of days.   Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE, internet explorer, remember them in your history....

5 Friends sharing the love xx:

LBTEPA said...

OMG mine did that too when I updated the format - I lost 2 years of race results aarrgghh!

Bella said...

S'ok, I've found a heap of them again from trusty internet explorer.

I'll hopefully pick up the rest along the way through reading other peoples blogs and comments.

And NOW I have saved them all as favourites in IE as well. Backup, backup, backup!

The Candid Bandit said...

If you 'follow' the blogs, then at the bottom of your dashboard in blogger you'll see all the little updates.

Then, when you pop in a widget for your blogroll it asks if you just want to import from Google or your blogroll and voila. they're all there!

Great to see you writing again. You write like you talk. Like I talk. Like Sally talks.. ;-) Fun and animated and easy to love.

Bella said...

I feel the same way when I read your updates, Candid... ya know I loves ya, mwah mwah

Chris H said...

Hi Chick, no idea who you are! Nice to know I am listed in the 'entertainment' list! lol