I've just been a hotbed of posting goodness (or maybe badness?) this last few days, but it's because i'm just reading all these blogs and so many of them are striking a chord with me. I so love that about blogland.
Today i've found a quote that I have so often thought that it could have come straight from my mouth...
From The Fat Chick:
It's a positive variant on the 'another year has gone by and what have I done?' message that i'm sure quite a few of us have told ourselves (or is it just me?)
Also, this little gem:
"You can either surrender to the pressures of life and the struggles of this particular battle; or you continue the fight and do so with even more vengeance and determination to reach your goals than you had before. I choose the fight.....I know what it will get me".
Thanks, Fat Chick, those quotes are going straight to the poolroom.
I'm going to get myself a new set of scales this weekend, because (although mine say they will take up to 130kg) mine seem to have sh*t themselves. Either i'm alot heavier than I think and i've just crushed them into submission, or that's what I get for going with the cheap ones ;P
Cat Pawtector!
3 hours ago